I am board certified internist with a strong interest in and emphasis on a holistic/functional approach to wellness and healing. After practicing conventional medicine for years, rushing from patient to patient and increasing the number of prescriptions for diabetes, hypertension, anxiety, and other numerous ailments that plague our society, I found myself being drawn to the question of why, despite all the advancements in medicine, technology, and pharmacology, more and more people are being affected by chronic illnesses such as obesity, digestive issues, autoimmune diseases, hormonal and mood imbalances, allergies, etc; and all happening at an earlier age.
Are we really addressing the health problems at their core by prescribing more and more medications? I believe the answers lie in our hectic, stressful lifestyles, lack of restorative sleep, and toxin-ridden air, food, and water supply. I know that with proper education, patience, and gentle guidance on necessary improvements in lifestyle and a variety of treatment interventions, alternative as well as conventional (if necessary), we can start undoing all the damage done and nurture our bodies and minds back to our healthiest selves.
I am convinced that the best way to tackle an ailment is to form a partnership between a doctor and a patient where both take an active part in decision-making. Where I, as a physician, will help you get to the root cause of the problem, provide necessary tools such as comprehensive, advanced testing, and create an individualized plan of scientifically based and clinically proven treatment including but not limited to nutraceuticals and supplements, geared specifically towards your needs. In return, you, as a patient, with my full support, will work on bringing this treatment to fruition.